Holy Moly a cold front is approaching! High of 70 tomorrow- whatever will we do? I mean, it's been 95 all week. Geez Louise. Most of us in my building are heat and humidity overloaded, so I'm hoping for some giddy craziness tomorrow! It will be a beautiful night for football...I mean for marching band! Our band is 100 times better than our football team, so it's the highlight of the night!
Had an interesting experience this week. There is an organization here in Cincinnati called Melanoma Know More. They offer free skin cancer screenings once a month at local hospitals. The hospitals and physicians donate their time/space. It's super cool. So, I copy the dates that are on a nice little flier/flyer (how do you spell that word??) onto bright yellow paper and put them into everyone's mailbox at school with a note saying that there is still time to schedule their free screening this year. I also send it via email with an explanation of why it's so important to me and that I was diagnosed in April. I attach Giada DeLaurentiis' PSA. I love how the email looks and sounds. I send it to the elementary and middle schools, and to the admin office.
Guess how many responses I get? From the entire district?
2 people say thank you for sending me this.
I know, I know. 2 is good. I just wanted more people to be interested or to care.
But, I guess if I'd gotten that yellow paper in my mailbox a year ago....would I have said anything?
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